Disaster Recovery Plan Execution

This document summarizes the processes to parse production out to one or multiple production facilities in case of a production facility service interruption.  The processes as outlined, will allow you to email delivery tickets, packing lists, mixing report and other production reports needed to covering facilities.  An Order Statistics Report can be emailed to the covering facilities which they can use to invoice - either by location or as a summary.  The article outlines both setup and plan execution.  In a disaster varieties are reduced to make it easier on the covering facility's execution.    

Initial Plan Setup:

Create Groups of stores for each covering facility.

  1. Relocate to Administration>Network>Groups 

  2. Click Add 

  3. Name the Group e.g. CoveringFacilityName

  4. Add Contacts and select stores for that facility then Select Contacts

  5. Save Changes

  6. Repeat for each covering facility until ALL stores are assigned

*Note - when new locations are added Groups must be updated. 


Create Product Labels for covering facilities.

  1. Relocate to Administration>Catalog and click on Labels

  2. Click Add

  3. Name the Label “Products to be removed from orders during a disaster”

  4. Click Add Products then Select Products

  5. Save Changes

  6. Repeat 1 thru 5 to create a new label named “Products to be made in case of a disaster”

*Note - when new products are added Label's must be updated.

Plan Execution

Create Adjustments:

  1. Decrease Adjustment to remove non-essential products from orders.  The Percent will be -100 and should be for a date range (if known).  Instructions can be found here: Entering an Order Adjustment

  2. Increase Adjustment for increasing the quantity of essential products.  Repeat the process found in item 1 above.  The percentage increase should bring the total quantity of product received close to the original order amounts i.e. 20%, 25%, 30% etc.  

  3. Apply the Adjustments to orders already generated.  Special orders will also have to be reviewed.  

Daily Reports:

  1. Choose the report to be forwarded to facility 

  2. In the Contact section select Add Contacts

  3. From Groups, choose the facility you will email the report to

  4.  Select All and Select Contacts

  5. Enter the email address for the covering facility contact.  For multiple email addresses separate each item with a comma

  6. Build Report - an email will be sent automatically 

  7. Repeat for each report and each group 

*Note - for covering facilities using (Jera or Supplyit?) you may not have to email your mixing report. See below.

Weekly or Daily Summary Report - the Order Statistics report can be used as a way to communicate to the covering facility the quantity of product ordered by each location and/or total for the facility.  The report totals can be used by the covering facility for invoicing.  

  1. Reports>Summary Reports

  2. Order Statistics Report and enter the date range 

  3. Choose the unit in which you wish the report to display

  4. Select Sum Units Ordered in the column specification 

  5. Choose how you would like to see the data resolve in the Group Specification area.  Drag n drop to achieve. 

  6. Enter the email address of the receiving facility and Build Report

Covering Facility Best Practices 

In the event you are helping another facility there are two options for you to fold the production into your production.  Jera Support can help you determine which is best for you.

Special Order - the simplest short term solution is to create a special order (work order) in your facility.  This solution will not create an invoice to the other facility.  .  

Wholesale location - if you are looking to take advantage of the invoicing function in Supplyit you can request Jera to add a Wholesale location.  

  1. This will generate an invoice per your regular routine.  
  2. You can setup a price structure for this specific location and inactivate the location once you are no longer supplying.  
  3. In this case you could give the troubled facility the option of logging in and placing the order totals as a special order each day. 
  4. They would continue to email you the packing lists and delivery tickets but not the mixing report.

Any questions please contact support for help.              

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