Adding a New Item to My Purchase Order Template

Any product that your supplier has available to order can be added to your purchase order template.

Before getting started

  • If you use the Workflows navigation menu, click Activities above the menu on the left side of the screen.

Adding an item to the template

  1. In the menu on the left, click Orders and select the Templates tab toward the top of the screen
  2. Choose Purchase
  3. Click Edit to the right of the template that you would like to add a product to
  4. Above the products listed in the template, click + Add and all available products will be displayed
  5. Check the product(s) that you want to add
  6. Click the Select Products button
  7. Enter the order quantities from Sunday through Saturday
  8. Click the Save Changes button


Products added to the order template will not be included on the open orders that have already generated. Use the Apply to Open Orders link toward the top right side of the Supplyit screen to add the new products to open orders. Here is the link to the step-by-step instructions: Applying Template Changes to Open Orders

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