Order adjustment guide


Suppliers and customers have the ability to enter a percentage adjustment for dates that orders are not to be delivered or to increase/decrease product by a percentage. The adjustment that is entered in advance of the order generating will be applied when the system generates that order date. An adjustment that is added after an order is generated will need to be manually applied after saving changes.


Prevents orders from being produced/delivered if the location is closed for any reason.  Allows the supplier or the location to increase or decrease an order based on events such as holidays, inclement weather and seasonal changes that will impact forecasting.


Location Console => Orders => Adjustments

Specifying Criteria

Order Type: the orders that the adjustment should be applied to. For suppliers, this would likely be sales orders and for customers it would likely be purchase orders.

Contacts: you may apply the adjustment to all contacts or to a specific one.

Dates: the order dates that this adjustment should be applied to.

Shifts: you may apply the adjustment to orders in all shifts or in a particular shift.

Percent: a positive or negative number. For example, to stop a product, an adjustment of -100 would be entered. To double a quantity, you would enter 100.

Lock Status: the primary location, typically the supplier, can prevent other locations from modifying the adjustment.

Included Products: by default adjustments are applied to all products. To apply to a specific product(s), uncheck the box and use the product picker to specify products.

Be sure to click "Save Changes" after making any modifications.

Tips & Tricks: 

  • You are not able to stack adjustments for the same day, same products.  
  • You can enter an adjustment for some of your products, same day and another for different products, same day with an alternate percentage.
  • If the adjustment you entered needs to be changed it is best to delete the adjustment and delete the order.  Then add a corrected adjustment and generate a new order.
  • Customers using forecasting should use adjustments to modify their orders quickly.  This is used when the locations business increases or decreases quickly.  
  • How to apply an adjustment to an order that has already been generated 

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