Why Can't I Generate an Order?

Blackout adjustments, missing quantities in an order template, template dates, and kitchen rules are all things that could prevent an order from generating.

Before Getting Started

  • If you use the Workflows navigation, click Activities above the menu on the left side of the screen.

Checking blackout adjustments

  1. In the menu on the left side of the screen, click Orders
  2. Choose the Adjustments tab at the top of the screen
  3. Check to see if there is a -100% adjustment listed that includes the date that you are trying to add an order for
  4. If yes, click edit to the right of the adjustment and change the end date
  5. Click the Save Changes button


If you see "Locked: Yes" under Status and don't see the blue Save Changes button when you are trying to edit the end date, that means your supplier has locked the adjustment. You will need to contact them for help with making the change to the end date.

Checking for order template quantities

  1. In the menu on the left side of the screen, click Orders
  2. Choose the Templates tab at the top of the screen
  3. Click Edit to the right of the template that you are trying to generate an order for
  4. Look to see if there are quantities entered for the day of the week that you need an order added
  5. If no, enter the quantities and click the Save Changes button

Checking start dates in the order template

  1. In the menu on the left side of the screen, click Orders
  2. Choose the Templates tab at the top of the screen
  3. Click Edit to the right of the template that you are trying to generate an order for
  4. Scroll to the right in the template
  5. Look to see if the start dates entered are for a future date
  6. If yes, change the start dates and click the Save Changes button

Checking end dates in the order template

  1. In the menu on the left side of the screen, click Orders
  2. Choose the Templates tab at the top of the screen
  3. Click Edit to the right of the template that you are trying to generate an order for
  4. Scroll to the right in the template
  5. Look to see if the end dates entered are for a past date
  6. If yes, delete the end dates and click the Save Changes button


If you have made corrections for any of these problems or if you did not have any of these issues and you still can't add an order, then it is likely that your supplier has already processed or closed some orders for the date that you are trying to generate. You will need to contact them for help.

Checking for supplier rules in the order template

  1. In the menu on the left side of the screen, click Orders
  2. Choose the Templates tab at the top of the screen
  3. Click Edit to the right of the template that you are trying to generate an order for
  4. Look to see if there are yellow caution signs under the quantity boxes for all of your products on the day you are trying to generate an order for
  5. If yes, then your kitchen has a rule set that is stopping delivery on that day and will need to be contacted

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